Category: Tips & Resources

The health of our nation’s truck drivers has become a key issue recently. Truckers are required to pass a physical every two years in order to maintain their licenses, but these physicals over look some key health issues, such as obesity. Truckers spend majority of their time on the road, limiting the amount of time they have available to exercise. Lack of exercise coupled with the poor food choices of most truckers is creating a serious problem. Let’s face it; grabbing fast food or snack cakes is a lot easier than preparing a healthy meal.

Changing the food consumed will greatly improve the heath of truckers. Choosing to eat at the salad bar at truck stops, reducing portion sizes at meals, and adding more fruits and vegetables to their diet are great ways to take a step towards a healthier life. Getting the right amount of exercise is another step that needs to be taken. Truckers have strict deadlines to keep leaving very little time to spare for exercise. Because of this more and more exercise plans are being tailored to truckers. Some truck stops even offer gym use with gas and food purchases.

There are some simple exercises that can be done to help improve the amount of exercise truckers are getting. Parking at the back of a parking lot forces you to walk further. Also, just briskly walking around the truck stop for a short time is good. Truckers who travel with their dogs can get some walking in when they walk their dog. Taking along some equipment from home is another great way to get exercise while on the road. Weights are easy to transport. If you enjoy biking there are dependable folding models that work great to take along. Even roller blades or roller skates can be used for those who enjoy them. Playing upbeat or fast paced music is a great way to get a good work out rhythm going, so having an iPod or MP3 player on hand helps.

For the most part just getting up and moving around for short periods of time can really improve physical fitness. For those who need more structure, there are many exercise plans available for truckers specifically. has an article from their fitness advisor with detailed workouts tailored to the average truckers needs. Adding a few workouts a week will greatly improve the heath of our truckers. Healthier truckers make safer roadways, and healthier truckers can lead longer careers doing what they love.

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