Category: Handy Products
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do not even carry jumper cables to have another person be able to help us.

So here is the simple solution rather then worrying about not being able to get your car started without a backup plan keep a 12 volt portable emergency system with you.

I’ve always kept one of these in my car whether it’s new or old for the simple fact that things fail in life and I didn’t want to be stranded. However, these are handy in respect to they are rechargeable and can be used for not only jumpstarting a car but can be used as an air compressor. As with anything they have their smaller portable jumpstart system used for smaller cars up to their more powerful versions which can be used for trucks, boats, and small RV’s. A cool little feature to some of these besides being able to save yourself from being stuck is that some come with extra features. Some of the things like the AM/FM radio are less practical but do keep you occupied rather than getting upset at the situation. However the other features range from signals to prevent overheating to a built in light. My recommendation is to be like myself and have one in the trunk of every family member’s car just in case they do break down.
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