Category: Handy Products

12 volt heated blanketWell there’s no doubt that winters coming for most of us. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up the cold and snow is inevitable. You will probably be wearing fleece sweaters and jackets too.  If you’re like me you’re probably going to be traveling for the holidays.

If not then you’re lucky because everybody is probably

coming there. When you travel you probably have someone in your family, in my case my girlfriend, who is always cold while you’re sweating to death from the heat being blasted up all the way.

Well there’s a perfect solution for this, it’s a heated polar fleece blanket.
They come in different sizes and they are both 12 Volt products so that they can plug right into your cigarette lighter in the car. They carry a low amp draw so you don’t have to worry about anything with that and with it being a fleece material it will be sure to keep your family member warm while traveling.

Also since they are meant to be portable they come with a zippered bag to keep them clean when not in use. If you have any relatives that travel a lot during the cold months than you can always give them a heated blanket for Christmas. This also works well for any family that has a truck driver in it.

Since most truck drivers sleep in their trucks, and a lot of states have idling restrictions, this will make sure they are able to sleep well throughout the night and stay warm.


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