Category: Handy Products

For many of us winter is on our doorstep and that means the cold is coming for us. I know that for some people they have a hard time during winter staying warm.

This can be for many reasons for example some people are just naturally cold or for others their vehicle heater isn’t that good. Luckily there are 12 volt heaters made just for this situation.


The heaters come in many different types. Some of them have scented pellets that even go with them! The most important part is that they can be placed anywhere in the vehicle to ensure your toes or body stays warm. These even come in handy when you just need to defrost parts of the car that are stubborn. The other important factor is that all of the heaters are portable meaning you can swap them from car to car or from car to truck for truck drivers.

In my family we have a few truck drivers. Some of them have bad circulation in their legs due to health issues. This 12 volt heater allows them to keep their legs warm especially in the early morning when they have to go from their warm car to the ice cold truck. It also has a rotating swivel base to ensure that it can be pointed where it’s needed no matter where it’s mounted. For anybody that has a trucker in the family this may be the perfect gift to get them for those early morning cold starts.


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