Category: Handy Products

Driving a semi truck across the U.S. is fun. I’ve been a trucker for 18 years. I enjoy getting to see the different states as I pass through them. One thing that is a pain about driving through so many states is the speed limits. Most of the states have speed limits ranging between 65 and 75 mph. That’s not a huge difference, but if I drive from a 75 mph speed limit into a 65 mph speed limit without noticing,

I put myself at risk for getting a speeding ticket. It really looks bad to get a speeding ticket while on the job.

I purchased the Cobra XRS 9950 Radar Detector for this reason. This radar detector has so many useful features for me as a trucker. It warns me of just about any type of radar I might be under. My favorite feature is the VG-2 Alert. It gives me some comfort when driving through different speed limit zones. VG-2 radar detectors pick out vehicles with working radar detectors. Having the VG-2 Alert gives me immunity to these detectors so I can see them but they can’t see me.

I also like the Strobe Alert and Safety Alert features. A semi truck with a trailer attached has a lot of blind spots. I don’t always notice emergency vehicles approaching. This is obviously a huge problem. With the Safety Alert I am notified of any road hazards, railroad crossings, or emergency vehicles that have the Safety Alert transmitters. The Strobe Alert feature warns me of any approaching emergency vehicles with traffic light controlling strobe emitters. So I basically know when there are emergency vehicles approaching even if I can’t see them. With this radar detector I drive more relaxed and just enjoy trucking.

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