Category: General

I have recently had my eyes opened to the world of camping and getting in tune with nature; well at least more so than I had been in the past. This past fall I found a pop up camper for sale reasonably cheap so I decided to go for it. With a quick overhaul of the interior and some elbow grease it was ready to hit the road. After my first trip

to a campground about 2hrs away I decided I needed a few things to make my slow walk into the camping world a bit easier to handle for someone who wasn't accustomed to the style. That is about the time I had received a gift from my daughter, a Coleman cooler. In the box for the cooler was a brochure for a place called I figured I'd give it a look and I soon found many things that would make my entrance to the camping world much easier. First things first, a TV! After all, everyone likes entertainment. I grabbed a TV and an antenna to mount to the roof of the camper. Being a tinkerer helped with mounting the antenna, but just about anyone can do it with basic knowledge. Next was a heated blanket for cold nights; I stored that under the seats.

All in all I was very pleased with how my camper ended up. I picked up a few things for my next trip (odds and ends for comfort sake) and a few other items from this site. I am more than pleased with the level of service I got from the fine folks at 12volt-travel. They seem like honest down to earth people and are pretty knowledgeable. I will most definitely be buying from them in the future!


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