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Our deluxe travel pillows are perfect for campers, RV’s, and tractor trailers. Take them on picnics and vacations. They measure 14″ x 19″, they are silky soft and they are very fluffy. We have them in red, blue, purple, black and white. Everyone loves these pillows. This is unbeatable comfort and quality at a very affordable price.


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Have you ever been talking over your CB and suddenly needed your hands free? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to just let go? Now you can! The Microphone Assistant lets you do just that. Simple to install and even easier to use.

We know it’s tough to wake up sometimes. We also know how much you truckers love the Screaming Meanie. That’s why we carry them, for you. You can find the Screaming Meanie 110 and the 220 at
The Screaming Meanie Travel Alarm Clock

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