I work in purchasing for a large trucking company. We use personalized log books to assure our information is always correct. We have multiple locations and use certain log books for each address. Personalizing each log book model with the address needed helps keep things more organized. One of the only problems I have encountered is typing errors. We once received a shipment of 2500 log books that had our company name spelled wrong. Personalized log books take a few weeks to print and ship. Having to return them and have them reprinted doubled the amount of time it took for this one order.

We recently switched to your company for our log books. The pricing is much better. The previous company we used had a set price per log book. We like the pricing here because the more we order the more we save. The ship time is still just a few weeks, but with repeat orders they ship faster. One of the main benefits is we are able to verify all the information is correct before the log books hit the printer. We haven’t had a log book show up incorrect since we switched. By using your site we also get the added benefit of reward points. With the number of log books we use in a year any savings is gladly welcomed.

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