As we pulled up to our camp we noticed that the windows were broken, our outside ice chest was missing and there were beer bottles all over the ground. Our fishing rods, 2 hunting rifles and 3 boxes of shells were also missing.

That was the theme of our trip to my family’s cabin way off the beaten path in Michigan’s northern peninsula.

After contacting the local authorities my wife and I decided we needed to install some sort of security system for the cabin. Obviously someone had

gotten into our little getaway. So the search began in earnest. We found many security systems, but none that would work in the middle of the woods without being tied into grid power (the same power as your house uses).

Luckily a few seasons ago we purchased an Engel cooler from here and decided to give the good folks at 12volt-travel a call to see if they could point us in the right direction.

They have a security system that works off of a built-in solar panel, perfect for just about any cabin or camp. We are not a particularly “green” family although we have toyed with the idea of solar panels being installed on our attached garage.

We figured some more information wouldn’t hurt and they quickly responded with answers to our questions. They informed us of power draw, up time, battery only operation and how to set the system up with motion detectors.

Now that our family cabin is secure so is our peace of mind. We no longer have to worry about would-be thieves stealing our hard earned toys. The local PD has been alerted to the issue and our security system notifies us as soon as something inside of the cabin is detected. In addition to this, we installed thick lexan window panes and a steel reinforced door frame. We figure peace of mind is more than worth the $50 a year cost to maintain our little getaway.

Solar Powered Security System Info | Buy a Solar Powered Security System


0 #1 Tori V. 2012-01-10 12:42
I've been considering one of these units for my RV but couldn't seem to get all my questions answered about how the unit works. The information I found here answers all my questions and gave me information I hadn't thought to ask about.

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